Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Noriega Has Primary Opponents ?

That may sound like a silly headline to some. Of course there are three other names on the ballot in the U.S. Senate race. But frankly, I never hear anyone talking about the other three.

It may be different in other parts of the state, but here in the Panhandle, all the attention is on State Rep. Rick Noriega. There is no talk about whether he can win the primary. The talk up here is about whether he can beat Cornyn (and a lot of us believe he can).

I know that one of Noreiga's primary opponents has the name of a famous dancer and actor (who is dead for those of you who may not know). But even considering that some may vote for him thinking he's the famous dancer, and others may vote just because they think it's cute to vote for a famous name, I really don't think those votes will amount to much.

I may be going out on a limb here, but I would be shocked if Noriega got less than 65% of the vote. Personally, I think he will do even better than that.

This is the best candidate we've had in years, and for the first time in years, I think we actually have a good shot at electing a Democrat to the U.S. Senate.

Senator Noriega. It's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

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