Monday, February 11, 2008

Republicans Still Leaving Their Sinking Ship

In 1952, 27 Republicans retired from the U.S. House of Representatives. That was a record number of retirees for their party, and that record has stood to this day. But it now looks like they may break that record this year.

Toward the end of January, 5 more House Republicans announced they will not be seeking re-election. That brings the total to 25 so far. It is believed that as many as 4 more will annouce their retirement soon. Why is this happening?

The fact is that after a decade in the majority, they don't like being in the minority and see little chance of changing that in this election. Although the polls show the popularity of Congress is very low, a clear majority of voters (54%) still want the Democrats to remain in control there.

Add to this the facts that the House Democrats have raised far more money than the Republicans, and voters have turned out in far greater numbers for the Democratic primaries and caucuses, and it makes the Republican prospects look pretty dim. Here's how Republican consultant David Johnson sees it:

"It's become an epidemic....The Republican brand right now is damaged. Voters are not blaming the Democratic Congress, even though the polls show that Congress is held in such low esteem. Voters are blaming Republicans more than they're blaming the Democrats who are in power....All of a sudden we're playing defense. Part of the Republican problem right now that I see as a strategist is our communications effort. We don't have any good communicators. We don't seem to stay on message. We come across as grumpy old men. I hate to say it, but that's part of the problem. We're not telegenic on TV."

All I can say is it couldn't happen to a sorrier group of politicians. In the short time they were in power, they have done immense damage to this country.

Right now, it looks like the Democrats are going to be able to add to their 34 vote majority in the House of Representatives.Even better, it also looks like the Democrats will be able to add Senate seats -- perhaps enough to give them 60 (a veto-proof majority).

Now if we can just get Obama or Clinton in the White House, perhaps we can begin to restore the lost freedoms and lost respect due to Republican incompetence and malfeasance.

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