Sunday, March 16, 2008

jobsanger Is Two Years Old Today

Today, our humble little blog is officially two years old. jobsanger was born on March 16, 2006. The picture above is of the strawberry cake my son baked in honor of the occasion. It was great -- wish you all could have had a piece!

I started the blog as a place where I could just blow off some steam. It has now become a bit more than that. For that, I want to thank you readers -- both the commenters and the lurkers. I appreciate all of you, and I hope you drop by as often as you can. I promise to remain opiniated and sometimes even interesting.

I also want to thank many other bloggers, both large and small. Many of you have blogrolled us, linked to our posts and offered words of encouragement. I'm not going to try and list you all, because I know I would forget someone and that would make us both feel bad. Just know that I deeply appreciate each and every one of you.

In honor of our second blog birthday, I am reposting the very first post to appear on jobsanger. It was short and not very good, but it was the first:

Hello out there! This is my first blog and my first attempt at blogging, so if you do accidently drop by and read the blog, cut me some slack. I hope to get better over time. This is not meant to be a news blog. This is an OPINION blog. This is my place to gripe, whine or blow my top when I get disgusted with politics, religion or culture in general. I am a left-winger who is not afraid of the "s" word. If you prefer to call me a socialist, that is fine with me. I am not a religious person, but I believe all people should be free to practice whatever religion they wish or none at all. I don't get upset until you start pushing it down other people's throats. I am a political Independent, since I see both the republicans and democrats as being corporate owned. Although I am male, I am pro-choice and consider myself to be a feminist. I believe in EQUAL RIGHTS FOR EVERYONE [no exceptions]. That should give you some idea of where I'm coming from. If you do read this blog, I hope you enjoy it and come back from time to time. Thanks!

It is now two years and over 1,500 posts later. I still love it, and I hope to do this for many more years.


  1. It seems that the jobsanger blog and I will be forever linked by a common birthday - your second, my fifty-eighth.

    Last year at this time, I posted the following message; I still stand by it one year later:

    Happy birthday, jobsanger. I may disagree with a lot of the opinions posted here, but you cover a variety of international, national, state and local topics in a way that's passionate without being inflammatory. All the best in the months and years to come.

  2. Thanks CT -
    I hope this birthday finds you happy and healthy.


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