Tuesday, May 06, 2008

No Victory In Iraq - Just Death

With the economy getting worse and the presidential race heating up, it is easier these days to just not think about Iraq. After all, it is not uncommon to watch an hour-long "news" show and never even hear the Iraq War mentioned. The "journalists" are too busy talking about Reverend Wright, political elitism, phony gas tax relief, dodging snipers in Bosnia, and other meaningless stories.

With the media virtually ignoring Iraq, it might be easy to believe Bush, Cheney and McCain as they tell us that things are getting better in Iraq -- that the surge has worked, and now victory is within our reach there. Except, for those willing to look at Iraq, that is just not true. Nothing has been accomplished there, and the killing is still going on.

Since January 1st, another 160 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. This brings the total number of American soldiers killed to 4,071. Also, in the last four months, over a thousand American soldiers have been wounded -- 1,098 to be exact.

Even though the media doesn't seem to want to report it anymore, our soldiers are in an impossible situation in Iraq, and more die and are wounded every day. We must not forget that our brave soldiers are in harm's way.

There is no victory in Iraq -- only more and more death every day.

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