Friday, May 09, 2008

Note To Obama - Don't Pick Clinton As Veep

Now that the Democratic campaign to pick a presidential nominee is as good as over, we can turn our attention to the choice for vice-president. Since last Tuesday night, the major media outlets seem to be pushing the "dream ticket" idea again. The idea of Obama and Clinton sharing the ticket.

I think that would be a terrible idea. For one thing, I don't think it would help Obama to be elected. The real Democrats supporting Clinton will be there in November anyway. And those racist "Reagan" Democrats she is so proud of, aren't going to vote for her in November anyway -- they never were. They only chose her in the primary because her opponent was a black man. The racist vote is going to McCain in November.

But that's OK, because the Democrats have a coalition that can win without them. This coalition is made up of party regulars, new voters, African-Americans, Hispanics, independents, unions members, older citizens and Naderites.

Frankly, I'm a little sick of hearing the Clintons play the race card anyway. She was doing it again yesterday, talking about how she's attracting the "white" working class. I'm beginning to think she's trying to sabotage Obama so she can run in 2012. If she does succeed in sabotaging the Obama campaign, she will find that a lot of people will have long memories, and her negatives will be even larger in 2012.

So who are the veep frontrunners? There are several, and any of them would make a better choice than Clinton. It all depends on what Obama wants to emphasize.

Does he want to shore up the "experience" factor? If so, then New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (pictured above) would be an excellent choice. He is one of the most talented and experienced politicians in America, AND he's from a swing state.

Does he want someone with security and defense credibility? Then the best choice would be General Wesley Clark. He has the experience and knowledge, and he appeals to voters across the political spectrum.

Does he want to appeal to swing state voters? Then Senator Webb of Virginia or Senator Bayh of Indiana would be good choices.

Does he want a woman on the ticket? Governor Sebelius of Kansas, Governor Napolitano of Arizona or Senator McCaskill of Missouri would be good choices. All are good campaigners who can appeal even to red state voters.

There is a wealth of talent in the Democratic Party to choose from. But let's forget this silly "dream ticket" idea. Obama needs to pick someone he likes and can work with. And someone who won't try to upstage him.


  1. "The real Democrats supporting Clinton will be there in November anyway." Don't be so sure. We know that if Hillary is the nominee, Obama's supporters won't vote for her.

  2. Then Democrats have found a way to lose an election the Republicans were trying hard to give them.

  3. I think that Obama/Clinton would win, but I would sure like to see something else. My top choice is Obama/Clark. I've admired Gen. Wesley Clark for some time. He's extremely intelligent and qualified, and I think his military expertise is really needed at this particular time in American history with 2 wars going and another one drumming up. We need a brain!! If not VP, I'd like to see Gen. Clark used in the administration somewhere.

    Also, I think Clark could bring over some Clintonites since he was on their team, and Richardson was not (unless "Judas" is a position title). ;-)


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