Thursday, June 12, 2008

Political Tidbits

In an interesting article in the Huffington Post yesterday, Cecile Richards tells us that her mother, Ann Richards, would be supporting Barack Obama if she were still with us today. Ms. Richards says of her mother, "...if she were still around she would suit up and campaign for Senator Obama in the farthest corner of the farthest state. Mom would see in him a leader with a long and consistent record for standing up for women's health care, a man raised by a single mother, a father of two daughters, and a husband who supports women's rights 100 percent."

In language that's very remniscent of the former governor, Cecile Richards said, "Mom would have said that women voting for John McCain would be like chickens choosing to vote for the Colonel."

I don't think this is a surprise for most Democrats. The great Ann Richards was a loyal Democrat and a tireless campaigner for women's rights.


According to MSNBC, John McCain is not just having trouble winning over his party's right-wing base. He's also not doing well among the party's richest contributors. Of George Bush's largest contributors, so far, only 8% of them have donated money to the campaign of John McCain.

At that rate, McCain is going to have a lot of trouble matching Obama's record-breaking fundraising effort.


The city of El Paso has just passed up an opportunity to strike a blow for the environment. In a 4-3 vote, the city council decided not to ban plastic bags. It turned out to be a business versus environment vote.

Councilman Eddie Holguin said, ""This is just another example of Big Brother telling the business community what to do. I can't comprehend why council wants to force more things down the throat of the business community."

Speaking for the ban, Councilman Steve Ortega countered, "These bags are not biodegradable, and they take 1,000 years to dissolve. We have a beautiful city, but the landscape is littered with plastic bags."


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has decided that George Bush is a wicked man. He said, "This wicked man desires to harm the Iranian nation. (Bush) made plans, moved into Afghanistan and then Iraq, and announced that Iran was the third target."

Ahmadinejad is a total idiot, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

1 comment:

  1. In language that's very reminiscent of the former governor, Cecile Richards said, "Mom would have said that women voting for John McCain would be like chickens choosing to vote for the Colonel."

    Utterly priceless.



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