Monday, June 09, 2008

Potter County Sheriff On Trial

While I was at the State Democratic Convention last week, the trial of Potter County Sheriff Michael Shumate started. The sheriff is accused of taking bribes to award the commissary contract to a particular company. He allegedly received laptop computers, meals, trips, cash and other gifts from the company.

The sheriff is also accused of failing to report campaign donations -- many of them from the same company to whom he awarded the commissary contract. This is also a serious charge, since the money is not subject to campaign laws if not reported. It can be used then for any purpose, including dumping the money into his own personal bank account.

The State Attorney General's Office is acting as prosecutor for the trial. That's at request of the Potter County District Attorney. Since the District Attorney must work closely with the Sheriff's Department, he thought there might be the perception that he couldn't be impartial. That was probably a wise decision.

In an interesting sidelight to the trial, the sides agreed to an all-female jury. The alternate juror chosen is also female. County officials believe this is the first time an all-female jury is sitting in an important felony trial in Potter County.

The trial is expected to last most of this month.

In spite of the felony charge, Shumate ran for re-election this year. Fortunately, he was defeated in the Republican primary by Brian Thomas. Thomas will be opposed in November by Democrat Robert Taylor. At this time, it's looking like that's shaping up to be one of the tighter races in the Panhandle.


  1. So ... what's your opinion on the matter?

  2. I think he's probably guilty.

    But guilty or not, we need a new sheriff. All you have to do is compare the Potter and Randall county jails to see that.

  3. The Sheriff in Lubbock County took a little heat for merely hanging out at a party with the same vendor who allegedly bribed the Potter County Sheriff. I think our Sheriff is innocent in this case because there were other vendors there, it was a typical shindig, and Lubbock County doesn't have a deal with that vendor.

  4. LL-
    I think our sheriff got to thinking he was untouchable in this county. And maybe he is -- the trials not over yet.


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