Saturday, June 07, 2008

Thoughts On Chelsea's Appearance

As most of my readers know, I am an Obama supporter. That's why I was a little disappointed last Tuesday night when Hillary Clinton virtually ignored the fact that Obama now had plenty enough delegates to become the party's presumptive nominee. But Chelsea Clinton appeared at the Texas convention last night and began the process of unification.

Chelsea's speech wasn't very long. In fact, she had three young Democrats give introduction speeches for her, and those speeches were as long as her speech. Put them together, and they were significantly longer.

When she came on stage (and when she left), she received a standing ovation from the crowd. It wasn't just from the Clinton folks either. She was enthusiastically received by the Obama people also. For many Obama supporters, they weren't so much against Clinton. It was just that they had found another candidate that gave them hope for a real change.

Chelsea told the crowd that her mother wanted her to do two things. The first was to make sure the Clinton supporters understood how much she apprecited their efforts during the campaign.

The second was to let everyone know that it was time for all Democrats to unite to elect Barack Obama to the presidency in the Fall. Chelsea was very gracious. There was no hint of bitterness, and I really believe she has started to unify the party here in Texas.

I certainly hope so. We cannot afford even one more year of the Bush-McCain policies, let alone four more years.

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