Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Portrait In Courage

It was just a couple of months ago that Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer. Since then, he has undergone brain surgery, and is currently receiving radiation and chemotherapy treatments. These treatments can be very debilitating, but they didn't stop the irrepressible senator from returning to the Senate today to help his colleagues kill a Republican filibuster.

The Republicans were trying to kill a bill that would restore the 10% cuts in Medicare payments that became effective on July 1st. Before the holiday break, Democrats had fallen short by one vote to end the filibuster. Kennedy determined that he would not allow that to happen again.

As he returned, his comrades in the Senate gave Senator Kennedy a standing ovation. Kennedy said, "I return to the Senate today to keep a promise to our senior citizens -- and that's to protect Medicare. Win, lose or draw, I wanted to be here. I wasn't going to take the chance that my vote could make the difference."

It turned out that his vote wasn't needed. The filibuster was ended and the bill was passed on a 69 to 30 vote. But needed or not, Kennedy was there to stand up and be counted. We could use a few more Democrats with his courage and stature.


  1. We could use a few more Democrats with his courage and stature.

    You men like when he left Mary JO, the girl he was fooling around with while married, in a car to drown?

    What we really need is a few more dems with his condition.

  2. Is this what passes for political dialogue in your sick world?

  3. just the truth

  4. If wishing brain cancer on people is your version of the truth, then you are a truly evil person.

  5. Just on traitors and those who bought there way out of a death penalty when it should have happened.

  6. Are you calling Democrats traitors? It's Bush who called the Constitution nothing more than a piece of paper - now that is traitorous!

  7. Not all just the ones who in time of war give aid and comfort to the enemy. Any who try to talk down the war or the men fighting. U know like kerry calling them all stupid, Murtha calling them murderous.

  8. I have "talked down" the war for years now. Are you accusing me of being a traitor?

  9. You are giving aid and comfort to the enemy just as all the libs did in Vietnam. So yeah:(

  10. You have now stepped over the line. Your comments are no longer welcome.


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