Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama Chooses Biden

Well, the wait is over to see who Obama would choose as his running mate. He has chosen the senator from Delaware -- Joe Biden. He may not have been the person I would have chosen, but then the choice was Obama's to make and no one else's. Now he has chosen, and it's time to get behind the ticket and see if we can't get them elected in November.

At the very least, Biden is very intelligent and he's a fighter. His personality won't let him take attacks without fighting back. This is a good thing, and if Obama is smart he won't try to curb that. Turn Biden loose and let the senate pit bull go after the Republican candidates.

McCain has shown a propensity for gutter politics in this election, and Biden is a good choice to take him to task over his dirty tactics. He's already started well by accusing McCain of having given "into the right wing of his party and yielded to the very Swift Boat politics he once so deplored."

The Democrats now have a ticket, and it's a good one. Let's get them elected.


  1. *sigh*

    While I respect your love of this country and, heavens help you, this party, honey, DON'T DISS MY FAVORITE DAWGS LIKE THAT!

    I kid, but not really. Pit bulls, despite y'all's negative experiences, have been some of my best friends, the most loyal, intelligent, and loving dogs that I've ever known.

    It's jackasses like Biden who would claim that moniker like it's a GOOD THING, either for himself or for the dogs.

    I can't believe that even Barack Obama could overlook the racist SHIT that Biden flung DIRECTLY AT HIM, though people tried to give him a "senility"/generational-linguistic-handicap "pass" on that shit. I can think of at least TWENTY other Senators (INCLUDING WIMMENFOLKS!!!) who would've been better choices, both in terms of the campaign and in terms of actually DOING THE JOB.

    I still wanna know when we'll finally get to inaugurate Al fucking Gore, gawddammit.

    Explain to me, please, how they got so desperate (to avoid letting women say SHIT about the future of this country), that they landed upon THE HAIR-PLUG POSTER-BOY. Honestly. Explain it to me.

  2. Biden was not my first choice. I would have preferred Sebelius, Richardson, Napolitano or Clark.

    However, the choice is made. Now we must do everything possible to see that Sidney McCain is NOT elected.


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