Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New State Fair Treat

I can see I'm going to have to stay away from the State Fair of Texas this year. I've never been able to turn down food, especially something deep-fried. Just ask my doctor -- most of my check-ups are dedicated to discussing my eating habits, and I know she wouldn't approve of the new treats being offered at the fair this year.

I have a love affair with bacon, and a state fair vendor Glen Kusak has discovered a way to make it even unhealthier (and probably tastier) than it already is. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram describes this treat as "thick, peppery bacon that is seasoned, double-dipped in batter, breaded, then deep-fried. It is served with ranch or honey-mustard sauce."

I know I'd never be able to turn that down, or even stop with eating only a reasonable portion. And I'm sure I'd have to top it off by eating some other deep-fried treat (ice cream, candy bar, etc.), so I guess I'd better stay at home this year.

I actually like my doctor, and I'd hate to give her a heart attack when she reads my lab results at my next check-up.

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