Monday, October 20, 2008

Colin Powell endorses Obama

In one of the most awaited endorsements of the campaign, former Secretary of State Colin Powell has endorsed Barack Obama in the race for the presidency. Powell said he is still a Republican, but thinks the Republican Party is moving too far to the right. He also said he doesn't think Sarah Palin is ready to be vice-president.

Speaking of an Obama victory, Powell said, "It would not just elictrify our country, it would elictrify the world. I think he would be a transformational president."

Speaking about McCain, Powell said, "It isn't easy for me to disappoint Sen McCain in the way that I have this morning, and I regret that." He went on to say, "In the case of Mr McCain... you got the sense that he didn't have a complete grasp of the economic problems that we had."

He added, "I'm also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the [Republican] Party say... such things as 'Well, you know that Mr Obama is a Muslim'. Well the correct answer is, 'He's not a Muslim, he's a Christian, he's always been a Christian'. But the really right answer is, "What if he is?' Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is 'No', that's not America."

This is a real blow for the McCain campaign, since Powell is one of the most respected Republicans in the country.

For his part, Barack Obama said he was humbled by Powell's support. He said, "He knows, as we do, that this is a moment where we need to come together as one nation - young and old, rich and poor, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Republican and Democrat."


  1. I wasn't sure what General Powell meant by "transformational," so I did a little research on the subject and found this excellent synopsis of Transformational Leadership.

    Towards the end of the article is this interesting tidbit:

    "One of the traps of Transformational Leadership is that passion and confidence can easily be mistaken for truth and reality. Whilst it is true that great things have been achieved through enthusiastic leadership, it is also true that many passionate people have led the charge right over the cliff and into a bottomless chasm. Just because someone believes they are right, it does not mean they are right."

    Given the full meaning of transformational leadership, I would have to agree with General Powell that Barack Obama would be a transformational president.

  2. Don't be silly. You know very well that's not what Powell meant.

  3. Hiya JA!

    I lost all respect for Powell during his UN performance.

    If his statement today helps convert some undecideds... great.

    Darlin', have you been out on the net lately? Maybe the sites I am reading are too radical or something but ....

    Good Golly Miss Molly the folks have lost they puppy minds..(if you'll forgive the lapse into Southern...I'm missing my drawl some.)

    There seems to be so much hatred in the air. How is this country ever going to heal?

    Ah well... just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your site and your style.

    You ready to come be a hippie in the Ozarks yet? I have an extra guitar and dinner straight from the garden. The guys could use an extra pair of hands to get ready for winter.

    Take care old man... come see an old broad sometime.


  4. Great to hear from you MM. You don't know how good that invitation sounds to me.

    I may have gotten older, but I'll always be a hippie in my heart. And when I was younger, I spent some time in the Ozarks (Northern Arkansas). That part of Arkansas and Missouri is breathtakingly beautiful.

    Be careful, I just might show up on your doorstep someday.

  5. You ever need to come spend some time in the backwoods...come see us!

    This week, I'm finally getting a toilet that doesn't sink into the ground and real floors! woohoo!

    Seriously, you need some sit on a rock and listen to the creek time?... you bring yer hind end here. You have my private email. Use it if ya need it.


  6. I hate to break up this friendly dialogue, but I need to respond to jobsanger's earlier comment.

    No, I don't think that's what General Powell meant, but as a veteran of 20 years in the Army myself, I can tell you that even the most charismatic leader isn't immune from screwing up. And when they do, it's usually as memorable as their successes.

    I'm reminded of a certain Civil War lieutenant who enjoyed a meteoric rise not unlike that of Senator Obama. This transformational leader was promoted to Major General at the tender age of 23. He was so popular, he even considered running for Congress.

    Like the current presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, this transformational figure knew how to play the press. According to his Wikipedia biography, he was
    "a 'media personality' who understood the value of good public relations and leveraged media effectively; he frequently invited correspondents to accompany him on his [military]campaigns ... and their favorable reportage contributed to his high reputation that lasted well into the 20th century."

    The transformational figure: George Armstrong Custer.

    I don't know whether President Obama's first crisis will be a Valley Forge or a Little Big Horn, but if we're to believe his running mate, we won't have to wait long to find out. For the sake of our country, I hope it's the former rather than the latter.

  7. Is it about race?
    Only one person knows for sure…and it’s not Limbaugh.
    Powell claims that he’s not happy with the “rightward shift” of the Republican party. But is there any merit in his accusation???
    Listen to the views of Republican Senator Michelle Bachmann
    Video of Senator Michelle Bachmann on Hardball
    So...what do you think??. is Colin Powell was just being overly sensitive, or does he have a point???


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