Friday, October 03, 2008

Palin Ignored The Questions

Conservatives all over America have been holding their breath and biting their fingernails, worrying about the Biden-Palin debate. Palin had proven in the last couple of weeks that she's just not very good at thinking on her feet and answering the hard questions. If she couldn't answer questions in an interview, how on earth was she going to survive a debate?

Well, the McCain campaign had an answer. They told her to ignore the questions asked and just keep hammering on memorized campaign themes. That way she wouldn't have to do any actual thinking to come up with reasonable answers. And that's what she did.

That wasn''t a real debate last night. A real debate has two people debating, and last night there was only one -- Joe Biden. Sarah Palin didn't even bother to make an attempt at answering most of the questions she was asked (and sadly, the moderator didn't try to make her stay on topic). If Palin didn't like a question (or more probably didn't know the answer), she simply changed the topic and gave one of her little memorized speeches.

It was a pretty pathetic attempt at debating, but after her interview gaffes it was probably the best the McCain campaign and Republicans could hope for.

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