Sunday, October 19, 2008

St. Louis Turns Out For Obama

According to the political pundits, Missouri is supposed to be a swing state that could still go either way in the coming presidential election. I have to wonder if that is true. The Democrats are really fired up there if Obama's St. Louis visit is any indicator.

According to the police estimate, at least 100,000 people showed up to hear Obama speak in St. Louis on Saturday. I don't think McCain and Palin together could draw a crowd even half that size.

Obama spoke to the crowd about his proposed tax cuts for middle and working class people in America. He told the crowd,
"John McCain is so out of touch with the struggles you are facing that he must be the first politician in history to call a tax cut for working people ‘welfare'. The only ‘welfare’ in this campaign is John McCain’s plan to give another $200 billion in tax cuts to the wealthiest corporations in America. George Bush and John McCain are out of ideas, they are out of touch, and if you stand with me in 17 days they’ll be out of time.”

“We need new priorities in Washington. I think it’s time to give a tax cut to the teachers and the janitors who work in our schools; to the cops and firefighters who keep us safe; to the waitresses working double shifts, the nurses in the ER, and yes the plumbers fighting for their American Dream. While Senator McCain ignores the payroll taxes you pay to score a few political points, I’ll put a tax cut into the pockets of working people so they can pay the bills, put away some savings, and pass on a brighter future to your children.”


  1. Yeah, we got an email from campaign headquarter people pretty much saying ...what the heck did you guys do?

    The turnout was pretty heartwarming.

    We've been working our hind ends off is what. All over the state. Talking to people human to human. Going door to door. Talking some common sense. And... more importantly listening to people. Listening to their concerns.

    I was searching for a picture of the event to give you a link but as usual, you're on the ball and already have it.

    I really think we can win in Missouri. You guys making any headway back in Texas?


  2. Good luck in Missouri. I really think you guys may pull it off.

    As for Texas, I haven't given up. Everyone thinks Texas will go Republican (and it might). But the Democrats are really stoked up here and the Republicans are taking it for granted.

    With a large turnout in South Texas and the urban areas, I think we just might do it.


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