For centuries, human beings have been killing other human beings because of religion. We seem to think whatever god we happen to believe in will approve of killing other people who do not have our particular religious views. Although most of the major religions, sects and cults claim to believe in a "god of love", their followers keep trying to please this loving god by presenting him (or her) with more and more blood.
None of this makes any sense at all, and one would expect that in the 21st century, people might gain the wisdom to see the insanity of killing others for their religious beliefs (or lack of religious beliefs). But that doesn't seem to be happening. People seem to be quite content to try and justify their beliefs by spilling blood.
This last week saw more evidence of just how far mankind has NOT come. The Plateau State in Nigeria just had an election. The state and its capitol city of Jos sit in the middle of Nigeria -- between the christian south and the muslim north. Naturally, both religions think they should control the city and the state, since each of them is in sole possession of "the truth".
The christians won this electoral round, so the muslims decided they had to demonstrate. This evolved into rioting by both sides. So far, over three hundred muslim bodies have been recovered. There has not been a death toll of christians released, but it is expected to also be in the hundreds. I'm sure both sides are proud of the fine job of killing they've done for their god.
Don't get to thinking we're any better than anyone else regarding religious prejudice and violence. There are millions in America who would love to force others to accept their beliefs, even to the point of violence. In fact, large segments of the population of nearly every country on every continent would do the same.
I'd love to say we're making progress on this, but I don't believe we are.