Saturday, December 06, 2008

Stealing From Atheists Is OK ?

In Washington state's city of Olympia, christians have put up a nativity scene on government grounds in front of the Legislative Building. Probably to the surprise of some readers of this blog, I have no problem with this religious display even though I'm not a christian. The reason I don't have a problem with it is because the government of Washington respects and obeys the Constitution of the United States.

They understand that they cannot respect one religion over another, or over non-belief in a religion. They know that whatever they allow one group to do, they must also allow other groups to do. That's why they allowed an Atheist group to display their own sign on the same grounds as the nativity scene.

The sign is pictured above, and says, "At this season of THE WINTER SOLSTICE may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

Freedom From Religion Foundation co-founder Dan Barker said, "Most people think December is for Christians and view our signs as an intrusion, when actually it's the other way around. People have been celebrating the winter solstice long before Christmas. We see Christianity as the intruder, trying to steal the holiday from all of us humans."

But evidently there are some christians that don't believe in equality for those who aren't christian. Not only have there been numerous complaints about the sign put up by the atheist group, but at least a few "christians" have taken the matter further. They've violated both the law and an important tenet of their own religion. They stole the sign!

Evidently, these "christians" think it's OK to steal as long as the property they are stealing belongs to atheists. Funny, but I don't remember that distinction being made in the Biblical ten commandments. Surely they didn't think they were doing god's work by committing this criminal act.

Fortunately the sign has been found and taken to a radio station for safe-keeping until it can be re-installed on the grounds of the Legislative Building. Hopefully the perpetrators can remember and follow the teachings of their own religion this time.


  1. I agree that many holidays are stolen by the christians who claim it as their own when truly, that is not the case.

  2. That's funny... the sign.

    I do have a problem with schools and governments facilities having holiday days off (paid or otherwise) centered around religious holidays. While a pagan could, perhaps, claim the need to perform some sort of fertility rite on the vernal equinox, I doubt it would be met with the same acceptance.


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