Thursday, January 08, 2009

Blagojevich Wins - Reid Backs Down Again

A couple of weeks ago, Majority Leader Harry Reid took a firm stand. He told the dirtiest governor in America, Rod Blagojevich, that there was no way any senate pick he made would be allowed to take a seat in the Senate. It sounded good, but we should have known better.

We had a smart crook taking on a pantywaist majority leader. Blagojevich did the political equivalent of flipping Reid over and screwing him hard without the use of any lubricant. Then Reid said, "May I have another please?" The whole thing is just disgusting! Blagojevich played the race card and Reid crapped his pants.

This was never a racial issue, but Blagojevich knew he could play it that way. And after nominating an African-American, he wound-up Bobby Rush and turned him loose. Predictably, Rush immediately started tossing out racial bombs such as "hanging" and "lynching", and even had the audacity to compare the United States Senate to 60's racists who turned fire-hoses and attack dogs on little black children. Both Rush and Blagojevich should be ashamed of themselves.

And frankly, I'm tired of hearing the news media talking about Burris' "impeccable credentials". We know a couple of things about Burris. First, his ambition far outreaches his ethics. He wanted to be a senator, and he didn't care whose ass he had to kiss or what it would do to his reputation.

We also know he has been a fundraiser for Blagojevich several times in the past. What did he promise him this time? Is there a debt owed, or is Blagojevich just happy to screw his party and his state? Burris can repeatedly say his appointment is not tainted, but that doesn't make it true. He has the stink of Blagojevich all over him, and if he's the Dem's candidate in 2010, they'll probably lose that seat.

Maybe they deserve to lose the seat after the gutless and embarrassing performance by Harry Reid. Has this guy ever taken a stand that he didn't back down from? I certainly can't think of any. I think he got so used to backing down from Bush that he doesn't know what to do now that he has a workable majority. He's been backing up so long he doesn't know how to go forward.

I've been interested in politics for about 50 years now, and I don't remember either party having as weak and ineffectual a majority leader as Harry Reid. If the Democrats really want to accomplish anything in the next four years, they need to replace him -- preferably with someone who actually has a backbone.

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