Friday, February 06, 2009

King Of The Big Spenders

If there was an award for biggest spender in state government, it would have to go to Midland's ex-speaker Tom Craddick. Just in his last week as Speaker of the Texas House, he spent $169,400 on the apartment he was being forced to vacate behind the House Chamber in the Capitol Building. And he was still spending just hours before giving up the speakership.

Here's what he bought just in the last week he was speaker:

$75,000 for a crystal chandelier

$22,500 for a second chandelier

$26,500 for a walnut breakfront

$45,400 for two oil paintings

The renovations to the 1804 square foot apartment were paid for by private donations. Over $1.3 million dollars were raised for the fund. It makes me wonder just how much access the rich donors were buying when they forked over the big checks. But don't worry, Craddick didn't spend all of the money. He left $18.55 in the account.

I'd hate to think how much he would have needed to renovate a whole house, if it took that much just for an apartment!

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