Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Creationist Attack On Teaching Science

It seems like the creationists just won't give up on their efforts to replace science with religion in Texas classrooms. When efforts to outright replace the teaching of evolution with creationism failed, they tried to get both taught side-by-side in Texas classrooms. But the citizens of Texas didn't particularly care for a "multiple choice" science program with the truth decided by students instead of scientists.

Then they decided that the "fallacies" of evolution should be taught alongside its reality in Texas classrooms. When that failed to be adopted, some of us thought we could breath a little easier with the knowledge that real science would be taught in schools. But the creationists haven't given up.

Last Friday, State Rep. Wayne Christian (R-Center) introduced a bill (HB4224) in the Texas legislature. That bill would force the teaching of "the strengths and weaknesses" of all scientific "theories". Of course, this is nothing more than an attempt to get creationism in the classroom through the back door.

But this silly bill could affect even more than the teaching of evolution (which is really a proven fact and not a theory). As Vince Leibowitz of Capitol Annex points out, this bill could be used to question anything of a scientific nature, such as:

•Hurricanes aren’t caused by global warming, or anything to do with ocean and atmosphereic temperature because all of that is based upon fuzzy math and incorrect science; instead, they are caused by God’s wrath and sent to rein down upon cities he views as immoral because it is a more logical viewpoint.

•HIV/AIDS isn’t an autoimmune disease, but rather God’s punishment upon homosexuals because it is more logical to believe that than what scientists have come up with.

•Condom’s never work because the theories and evidence supporting their use are flawed, so abstaining from sex is the only form of birth control acceptable under any circumstance.

It no wonder our state and country is falling behind and not producing the scientists we need. Why can't religion be taught in churches and science in the schools? Why do some people feel they must force their religion on children and families that don't want it? Whatever happened to freedom of religion, which must also include the right to freedom from religion?

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