Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Will "Abstinence Only" Sex-Ed Be Changed ?

Texas was one of the first states to force schools to teach "Abstinence Only" sex education. This ridiculous program was started when George Bush was the governor of Texas. When he later became president, he tried to spread the program to all the other states.

This terrible program assumes teenagers are too stupid and immoral to be taught how to actually prevent pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases. According to the right-wingers, if you teach this to teenagers, they will all run out and immediately begin fornicating like rabbits. Of course, the only thing being first in teaching "abstinence only" has gotten Texas is to be the nation's leading state in teen pregnancies.

Fortunately, a few of our legislators believe our students should be taught "complete, medically accurate and age-appropriate" sexual health information. There's a novel concept -- teaching the truth!

Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) and Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-San Antonio) have introduced a bill that would allow schools to supply medically-accurate sex information in their sex-ed courses. Ellis says, "The status quo is not working. Only through honest information will teens have the tools they need for responsible decision making and disease prevention." He went on to say, "We’re just saying we’re all for abstinence. What we don’t want is an abstinence from education."

Of course, this has the right-wing in an uproar. One of its more insane elements, the Texas Eagle Forum says this is just an attempt to cover up immoral behavior by men, and its president Cathie Adams says, "I see this as a very anti-woman, anti-girl attempt. It’s putting immorality off on children." Can you believe that? Preventing teen pregnancies and sexual diseases is "anti-woman"?

But the right-wing needn't worry. Texas is not ready to enter the twentieth century, let alone the twenty-first. We still have "old 39%" in the governor's office, and he's not about to sign this bill -- even if it could pass the Texas Legislature. He's got an election coming up next year and the right-wing nuts are his base. He must appease them. After all, his re-election is much more important than the health of Texas schoolchildren.

Sometimes I wonder if there's any hope for this state.

1 comment:

  1. The 'abstinence only education' mantra is all about power, nothing to do with the kids. It's winger dominance over the school system they are determined to have, and the effects are showing how bad their leadership is. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of damage before the public renounces control by the worst elements.


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