Thursday, April 09, 2009

Fox Network Thinks Layoffs Are Entertainment

I have to wonder just what the hell is wrong with the people over at Fox Television. Their news network has long been a sick perversion of journalism, and now it looks like their entertainment division is going down the same sick path. These depraved nutjobs have decided that people losing their jobs could make for fun and entertaining television.

They are developing a new reality series called Someone's Gotta Go. Each week, the series will go to a small business that is in trouble and needs to layoff at least one employee. The employees, in true game show style, will get to decide which employee will be fired. The fired employee will be given a small severance.

I am amazed that they would even consider doing such a show, but they say they have had no trouble finding businesses that want to participate. Do they really think someone losing their job is entertaining?

In this economy, we have thousands of people losing their jobs each week. I can assure you none of those people found it fun or entertaining. They have lost the ability to support themselves and their families, and in a shrinking economy like ours, the chance of finding a new job is not good.

Mike Darnell, chief of Fox's alternate programming says, "It’s certainly no worse than watching the news every night and hearing all the statistics and watching what is happening." He's very wrong. People watch the news to get the facts about what is happening, and I don't believe they find the news of growing job losses to be entertaining. It is much more likely that they find it to be frightening.

Instead of canning some poor working man each week, how about a show where a Fox TV executive gets fired each week (with no golden parachute)? Now that would be entertaining!

1 comment:

  1. Businesses are jumping at the chance to be featured on this crummy show; It's publicity and advertising galore for them.

    What I want to see is the reaction of the fired employee, like a car crashing through the front entrance, or worse, the use of a firearm.


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