Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Kinky Friedman

Received an e-mail from Kinky Friedman today. He's touring with a new show, and it sounds great. Here's how he describes it:

"Kinky Friedman, internationally-hailed music icon, New York Times best-selling author, politician, founder and benefactor of Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch, and cigar company entrepreneur, will present a show, entertaining and thought provoking as ever, comprising recollections and stories, recitations from his written works, reflections on his past political experiences and future plans, all set among the familiar refrains of his music. Longtime pal and musical sidekick, original Texas Jewboy, Little Jewford, will add his special talent! s to the evening playing keyboard and melodica with possible kazoo solo's if the need arises. This show sold out twice in Houston and has been given rave reviews!"

It looks like the best opportunity for us West Texas folks to see the show will be in Lubbock on April 30, when he appears at Heroes and Legacies. That's close, but I sure wish he'd make it on up to Amarillo. I could use another good dose of Kinky.

Toward the end of the e-mail there was a very intriguing paragraph. Here it is:

"Watch your inbox early next week for a letter from Kinky Friedman to Texans around the world. Never fear, if you overlook it you can see the letter on his website too - you won't want to miss it!"

Could this be the long-awaited announcement that he'll be running for governor in the Democratic primary in 2010? I sure hope so! I've got my first campaign contribution ready to send -- just been waiting for the announcement.

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