Friday, April 10, 2009

Rep. Brown's Racist Remark

In their zeal to cram a Voter ID bill (actually a voter suppression bill) through the Texas Legislature, some members of the Texas House are letting their racist tendencies show. For example, consider the statements made by Rep. Betty Brown (R-Terrell).

Ramey Ko, a representative of the Organization of Chinese-Americans, was testifying before the House on the problems the proposed bill could cause for many Asian-Americans. He said people of Chinese, Japanese or Korean descent often have ID problems because they may have a legal transliterated name and then a common English name used on Driver's Licenses or school forms. This could interfere with their right to vote if the Voter ID bill is passed.

That's when Rep. Brown piped up and said, "Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese -- I understand it's a rather difficult language -- do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here?"

Then she later told the witness, "Can't you see that this is something that would make it a lot easier for you and the people who are poll workers if you could adopt a name just for identification purposes that's easier for Americans to deal with?"

How dare she tell any American to change their name! Who made her the arbiter of what's a good American name and what is not? No American should have to change their name to vote in Texas or any other state, even if racists like Rep. Brown have trouble pronouncing the name.

Her ridiculous remarks have now traveled well outside of Texas and offended people all over the country (in addition to embarrassing her home state). John C. Liu, a NYC councilman, is now demanding an apology from Rep. Brown. He says, "It's outrageous and insulting for you to suggest it would 'behoove' us to adopt another name, to give up our birthright and a part of our own identity, in order to exercise our right to vote."

Brown now says she "probably wasn't speaking just as I should." She has said she will apologize to Mr. Ko "if I offended him." Let me make this clear for Ms. Brown. YES, YOUR STATEMENTS WERE OFFENSIVE! They were not just offensive to Asian-Americans, but to decent Americans of all races and ethnicities.

We should not have to put up with such racist and offensive behavior from an elected official.

1 comment:

  1. She's another Klanservative Rushpublican, probably headed for the Senate. It will be a great day when Texas finally gets so brown that the Klanservatives can't hold political office anymore.


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