Saturday, April 04, 2009

They Have No Shame

"Outnumbered and surrounded, 200 brave men stood their ground against Santa Anna’s Army for 13 days. All were aware that this would be the battle of their lifetimes, a struggle against impossible odds, yet they decided Texas Liberty was a cause important enough to die for. Colonel William B. Travis drew a line in the ground and said that any man willing to stay and fight for Texas should cross over the line. All, but one did.

Today, once again, the line has been drawn. You have a choice to cross over and defend Texas from unfair taxation, or accept the huge tax burden that accompanies the Liberal Democrat’s outrageous spending plan."

This is a direct quote from the Texas Republican Party. This is appalling for a couple of different reasons.

First, those brave souls who crossed that line in the Alamo that day all died defending that sacred place. How dare the Republicans compare their pathetic attempts to get some signatures on a petition to the bravery of these Texas heroes!

Second, the anti-immigrant antics of the Texas Republican Party dishonors the memory of these brave Texans -- many of whom were Hispanic.

The leadership of the Texas Republican Party truly has no shame.


  1. Is it unforgivable for me to hope that the Texas Republican Party ends up holding out for a few days then is massacred to a man?

  2. Not unforgiveable at all - at least for their leadership.


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