Monday, April 13, 2009

U.S. Guns Feeding Violence In Mexico

Recently, violence between the various drug cartels and between the cartels and the police, has been getting out of hand in Mexico. In just the last year, over 6,000 people have died in this increasing violence.

Sadly, the violence is being fueled by the United States in two ways. It is being financed by the huge flow of American drug dollars into Mexico, and it is being armed by the flow of American guns into Mexico.

This is especially true of the large number of assault rifles acquired by the cartels, the huge majority of which come from the United States. This has given the drug cartels a firepower the Mexican police cannot match, and has resulted in the Mexican Army entering the fray. Even so, the violence is now threatening to cross the border into the United States.

On Face The Nation (CBS TV), the Mexican Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan pled with the United States government to stop the shipment of assault weapons to the cartels. He said, "There is a direct correlation between the expiration of the assault weapons ban and our seizures of assault weapons. We cannot determine how Congress and the administration will move on this. What we will say is that... reinstating the ban... could have a profound impact on the number and the calibre of the weapons going down to Mexico."

The ambassador is right. The ban on assault weapons needs to be reinstated -- the sooner the better. While Americans do have a constitutional right to own firearms, that is not an unlimited right (for instance, tanks, rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns are prohibited). Assault weapons should also be prohibited. They are simply too dangerous to be allowed on the streets -- in this country or in Mexico.

George Bush was a damn fool to remove the assault weapon ban. It worked well in the past and should be re-instituted as soon as possible.


  1. You perpetrating the lie of the majority of weapons in mexico coming from the US is quite telling. Of course, ignoring facts hasn't ever stopped you before, I don't know why I should expect you to observe them now.

    On top of the lie you just parroted there are several more lies in your post, among other things.

    For one, you talk about freedoms and civil rights all the time, yet here you are selling out the freedom that protects the rest of our freedoms.

    Up until this point you have been pretty fair about the 2nd ammendment, but now you sell it and our freedoms out for another country's problems.

    I know of several individuals who own tanks, artillery, grenades, and machine guns. They are not prohibited as you claim.

    Assault weapons are already banned in Mexico, lot of good that has done hasn't it?

    George Bush said he would renew the AWB. The only whing worse then your lying hackery is your poor research skills. A simple google search would have revealed that fact. Congress never renewed the AWB.

    The AWB never worked. I challenge you to post fact that back that assertion up.

    Fact is, in the US and probably up until this most recent violence in Mexico, most crimes in the us that involve guns are low cpactity cheap pistols.

    Another lie you perpetrate is that the previous AWB only banned cosmetic features. Several of the same weapons used in recent crimes were still available under the AWB with the featrues removed. Search youtube for AWB myth.

    The firearm Mixon used to kill the 4 police officers was banned under California law. What makes you think a nationwide ban is going to stop things like that? What makes you think removing assault weapons is going to stop the demand of the drug cartels? It has be proven that a mojority of the guns, as I linked above, are coming from elsewhere? Will you admit you are wrong if the assault weapons are banned and the violence doesn't stop in mexico? No, because you are a liar and have other goals in mind.

    Get some facts.

  2. Interesting that your source is FOX NEWS. We know how reliable they are!

  3. LOL, I knew you would pull something like that.

    Look at this way, who is fox news's source? The ATF, who are your and all your freedom hating buddies source? The ATF is who told Holder and all of them.

    Which one of them is lying, the ATF agent who told fox news or the ATF agent who told all of the dems?

    You don't care though, do you?

  4. Doesn't the Second Amendment also have the words "regulated militia" in it?

    It does.

    And if we can't ban assault weapons, then we should ban the ammo; simple as that.
    Of course, that would happen if I was in charge.
    Politicians would never do anything as daring as that.

  5. B-
    So it's 2007-2008 numbers from the BUSH ADMINISTRATION to FOX NEWS. That makes the credibility even worse.

  6. You can find some good reporting on this issue over here -

  7. Doesn't the Second Amendment also have the words "regulated militia" in it?Read about Dc vs Heller, the 2nd Amendment is an individual right, not collective. "The right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGEDB-
    So it's 2007-2008 numbers from the BUSH ADMINISTRATION to FOX NEWS. That makes the credibility even worse.
    Even if we ignore that one point about how many weapons went to Mexico, you're still a liar for the rest of the false stuff in your post that you have no desire to correct.

  8. democrat or republican does not matter, you are either pro-constitution or you are anti-constitution.


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