Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Michael Steele Is An Idiot

Barack Obama rose to the top of the Democratic Party on ability. He was not elected because he was an African-American, but in spite of it. He was elected because of his political acumen. But once he got elected, the Republican Party decided it needed to have an African-American figure-head at the top of their party to fool Americans into believing they are a "big tent and inclusive" party.

Now, you would think the Republicans would at least choose someone with intelligence and political talent, but you would be wrong. Someone like that might actually open the party again to moderates and start attracting some minorities, and no red-blooded right-winger actually wants that. They chose an idiot like Michael Steele because they wanted a figure-head and not a real leader. The real leadership of the party rests with the old white guys just like it always has. (And don't bother bringing up Sarah Palin -- she just repeats what the old white guys have told her is correct.)

But even though they just wanted a figure-head, I think the Republicans had hoped Michael Steele would sound like he had at least half a brain. Sadly, he doesn't. Just consider his latest argument against gay marriage, which he said he came up with while discussing the issue with a stranger on an airplane. Maybe he should have given it a little more thought before actually going public with this bit of nonsense.

He told delegates of the Georgia Republican convention that gay marriage is bad because it puts a burden on small business owners. Steele said, “Now all of a sudden I’ve got someone who wasn’t a spouse before, that I had no responsibility for, who is now getting claimed as a spouse that I now have financial responsibility for. So how do I pay for that? Who pays for that? You just cost me money.”

Does he really mean to say that equal rights are bad because they might pose a financial burden on business? Maybe he needs to be reminded that abolishing slavery posed a financial burden on plantation owners and Southern businessmen, but that didn't stop President Lincoln. It was still abolished because it was the right thing and the moral thing to do -- regardless of who was financially burdened.

But that is not the only problem with Steele's flawed reasoning. If gay marriages pose a financial burden by adding a spouse, wouldn't heterosexual marriages be guilty of creating the same financial burden? Actually they would be an even worse financial burden, because they would also have the potential of adding other financial burdens called children.

I don't expect Steele will last much longer as the Republican National Committee chairman. They can't shut him up as long as he's chairman, but he is an embarrassment every time he opens his mouth. When they do finally dump him, I'm sure some on the left will think it's a racial thing, but it probably won't be. It'll be because he's an incompetent idiot.

The racist part was choosing him to be a figure-head just because he's African-American, and then hoping he'd keep quiet while they used him. I was going to say they should have chosen a minority representative who wasn't an idiot, but that would have been impossible. Any minority person who says he/she is a Republican has got to be an idiot.

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