Friday, July 10, 2009

Peace Is Not Anti-American

This is a picture of President Obama's lovely daughter Malia. She happens to be wearing a T-shirt with a peace sign on it. But it has gotten the right-wing in an uproar. One of them even said it was proof of Obama's radical agenda. Personally, I think it's just a T-shirt. But even if it means more, when did the idea of peace become a radical concept? Isn't this what decent people all over the world are striving for?


  1. Not to be too much of a cynic on a Friday afternoon, but I seriously doubt that wearing T-shirts emblazoned with the peace symbol ever brought us any closer to world peace. It did, however, enrich a lot of T-shirt makers over the last 40 years or so.

    It's like the famous poster that graced the walls of so many dorm rooms when I was going to college in the late 60's/early 70's.

    Back in 1971, National Lampoon did a great parody of this poster, changing the wording ever so slightly to read: War is not unprofitable for poster makers and other living things.

    One last comment on Malia's wardrobe: I couldn't help but notice that the picture you posted tastefully crops out her short-shorts (am I dating myself with that word?) and her very long legs. Maybe I'm just an old fuddy duddy, but I found that to be a little too hypersexualized for a girl that just barely (no pun intended) turned 11 years old.

  2. Here's the uncropped version of the photo you've posted. (There was another photo posted on the Drudge Report that showed the entire length of her legs, but I can't seem to find it.)

    I'll let you be the judge of whether I'm a fuddy duddy or not.

  3. I like you CT, but you are a fuddy duddy.


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