Friday, August 21, 2009

Amarillo's Republican Newspaper

There are several Texas newspapers that are slanted to one political view or the other. But you usually don't realize it until you get to the editorial page. They try to do their news fairly, and keep their personal or company views in the editorial section. I don't mind that too much, because I can still get most of the news about both political parties. If I don't like the paper's political slant, I can just avoid the editorial section.

But the Amarillo Globe News doesn't do it that way. Their decidedly right-wing Republican slant is obvious even on what they "call" the news pages. Yesterday's paper was a reminder of this.

A few weeks ago, Tom Schieffer, an official candidate for governor in the Democratic Party, came to Amarillo to campaign. Three television stations, the Amarillo Independent (weekly) newspaper and this blog covered his appearance. But where was Amarillo's only daily newspaper? They were missing.

I was flabbergasted that the community's only daily newspaper could completely ignore the visit of a viable gubernatorial candidate, but they did. They obviously don't believe in providing both sides of a story to their readers -- only the right-wing side.

This was brought home again yesterday. Another gubernatorial candidate came to Amarillo to campaign -- Kay Bailey Hutchinson. The only difference is she's a right-wing Republican. You can bet they did not ignore Ms. Hutchison's visit! They sent both a reporter and a photographer, and there was a very nice write-up in the paper.

I hate being ashamed of my hometown newspaper, but what else can I be when they are so obvious about their bias?

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