Saturday, October 10, 2009

Confederate Flag Loses Again

The confederate flag has lost again. Only this time, instead of a civil war, the loss happened first in a Texas school and then in a federal courts.

Back in early 2006, two Texas high school girls went to school with purses that bore the image of the confederate battle flag. School officials told them the purses were not permitted at the school in Burleson ( a city of about 30,000 residents located just south of Fort Worth).

School officials tried to confiscate the purses, and when the girls refused to give them up they were sent home. Evidently the girls' parents were as racist as their offspring, because they sued the school district, demanding the school district "clear the girls' student records, acknowledge that their constitutional rights were violated and pay unspecified damages."

When a federal judge dismissed their case in 2008, they appealed the decision. Yesterday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans affirmed the judges decision. The court decided that the school had the right to ban racist symbols, and no one's constitutional rights had been violated.

I commend the actions of the school, the federal judge and the federal appeals court.

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