Monday, October 19, 2009

Do You Think Sarah Knows ?

Found at the very funny blog All Hat No Cattle.


  1. You really do have a hard time catching subtle irony, don't you, Ted?

    According to this CNN Political Ticker from September 29th, "Palin's book will be called 'Going Rogue: An American Life' - a reference to the anonymous criticism directed at Palin by aides to Republican presidential nominee John McCain during the final days of last year's presidential race."

    "After Palin strayed from the campaign playbook several times in October 2008, one McCain adviser griped to CNN that the vice presidential nominee was 'going rogue.'"

    One of Palin's qualities that endeared her with the much of the Republican base was her unwillingness to fit into the pre-packaged Madison Avenue image of what a vice presidential candidate should be. Rather than run from the "rogue" label, she's embraced it as a badge of honor, in typical Palin "in your face" style.

    (Palin Divorce Watch: Day 79 - I've got my Days Calculator back!)

  2. lmao @ the idea that Sarah is capable of subtle irony

    Sarah herself used "rogue" to destroy people's careers in Alaska. And now she uses it to describe herself. Isn't she cute.

    She has 3 lakefront houses, a plane, etc. Yeah, she's really Everyday People.

  3. "Sarah herself used 'rogue' to destroy people's careers in Alaska."

    Who in particular?

  4. She certainly went "rogue" on the state trooper who married into her family.

  5. Right you are. Also Walt Monegan, the Public Safety Commissioner whom Palin dismissed in connection with "Troopergate".

    After Andrea posted her comment, I started looking for specifics about what she wrote ("people" just didn't cut it for me). It wasn't until after I posted my question that I found the answer myself.

    Her other comment is a straw man; I took no position about whatever claim Palin might have to being "Everyday People."

  6. I was referring to Monegan and Wooten, yes.

    It wasn't your direct claim, but not entirely my straw man either - I was responding to your idea that Palin has endeared herself to anyone with a functioning brain. Or were you impressed with her "style" in that amazing resignation speech? Yeah, it wasn't smooth and prepackaged, I'll give you that. lol

    She certainly hasn't endeared herself to this SAHM.


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