Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kinky's Platform For 2010 Governor's Race

Is this a picture of the candidates in the 2010 governor's race in Texas? Kinky Friedman and Kay Bailey Hutchison crossed paths in a Texas airport recently, and stopped for a photo and a brief chat.

Hutchison has a good chance of being the Republican nominee. A few months ago, she was trailing Rick Perry in the polls, but as Perry gets nuttier and nuttier the polls have closed. It's now anybody's race.

Kinky Friedman is running in the Democratic primary, and has two main opponents -- Hank Gilbert and Tom Schieffer. In the 2006 election, Kinky ran as an independent and drew votes from a wide range of voters. He attracted not only independents, but also an equal number of both Democrats and Republicans.

It is expected that Gilbert will draw votes from progressive Democrats, while Schieffer will attract conservative Democrats. While Friedman also has his Democratic supporters (like me), his best chance of getting the nomination is if he can bring new voters to the Democratic primary -- both independents and Republicans.

Kinky appeals to those of us in all three groups who are tired of one professional politician replacing another. We think it's time for an independent voice who's not beholden to "things as they are". If you are looking for a new and fresh voice who'll put the interests of ordinary Texans first, then Kinky Friedman might be your candidate. Here is his platform:


􏰀 End Perry’s Business Income Tax

􏰀 Empty Perry’s Piggy Bank (the Enterprise Fund). Give that money in block grants to local economic

development corporations to expand existing businesses and attract new


􏰀 End the T AKS test

􏰀 $3,000 teacher pay raise

􏰀 Require a minimum level of after-school programs to keep kids safe during the danger hours (3-6pm)

between kids getting out of school and parents getting home from work


􏰀 20-year term limits in the House and Senate, respectively

􏰀 Campaign Contribution Caps: Legislature $100,000 per person, per cycle

Statewide $1 million per person, per cycle

􏰀 Drug test, criminal background, & Federal, State & Local tax proof of good standing required for application

for ballot and each year with Personal Financial Statement

􏰀 Pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anyone that owes state or local taxes from seeking state office.

If they don’t pay their taxes, they shouldn’t be able to spend our taxes


􏰀 Timothy Cole Commission to establish guilt or innocence

􏰀 Double community service for juvenile offenders

􏰀 Institute a $0.25 fee for each can of spray paint to fund a statewide graffiti abatement program


􏰀 Create a statewide elected position for Insurance Commissioner

􏰀 Impose a 3-year moratorium on rate increases

􏰀 Eliminate redlining and discrimination in insurance coverage and premiums


􏰀 Ban all future toll roads.

􏰀 Buy-back all current toll roads using the proceeds generated from casino gambling

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