Sunday, October 18, 2009

Maldives Cabinet Highlights Global Warming

The tiny Indian Ocean nation of Maldives would like the rest of the world to get serious about global climate change (often called "global warming"). That's because their island country is just 7 meters above sea level. If the sea levels rise even a fraction of what scientists believe is possible, Maldives would disappear under the waters.

To spotlight their dire circumstance to the world, a couple of days ago the country's president and cabinet donned scuba gear and held a cabinet meeting under water. During the 30-minute underwater meeting, the cabinet members signed a document calling on all nations to agree to cut their CO2 output at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen next December.

The conference has been called to work out a new agreement that would replace the Kyoto Protocol (which expires in 2012). When asked what would happen if the conference fails in its efforts to control greenhouse gases (especially CO2), the Maldives president said, "We are going to die."

President Mohamed Nasheed went on to say, "We're now actually trying to send our message, let the world know what is happening, and what will happen to the Maldives if climate change is not checked. If the Maldives cannot be saved today we do not feel there is much of a chance for the rest of the world."

Nasheed has a good point. Even if other nations survive the rising oceans, there will be other disastrous climate changes. Just like the Maldives, the world is running out of time. We need substantive action now -- not in the future.

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