Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Republicans Oppose Net Neutrality

After many years of trying, it looks like we may finally get some rules in place that would enforce and protect "net neutrality". Democratic Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Julius Genachowski has proposed some new rules that he believes will protect net neutrality, and those new rules will be voted on soon by the FCC.

Genachowski's new proposal would have the FCC formally adopt principles that say "network operators must allow subscribers to access all legal online content, applications, services and devices." It would also prevent "providers from discriminating against particular content or applications and would require them to be open about their network management practices", and would "apply these rules across different types of broadband networks, including wireless networks."

These rules would insure that the internet remains a true democracy. No provider would be able to censor, limit or control access to any site. And no provider would be able to force their subscribers to use any service or application they don't want.

Naturally, many Capitol Hill Republicans have come out in opposition to the new rules. Twenty House Republicans have sent a letter to Chairman Genachowski, asking him to delay the vote on the new rules (probably so they can solidify opposition to the rules). They claim net neutrality would discourage investors from investing in their own networks.

This is a ridiculous charge on it's face. It these providers don't invest in their tech-heavy field, then they'll quickly fall behind and be overtaken by their rivals. And if they no longer want to be in the business, there are plenty of others who would be happy to have their subscribers.

The Republicans also claimed that if the providers can't control control their network traffic, then their customers could suffer. Another load of crap! The subscribers pay for access and service. They do not pay to be controlled. The consumers only suffer when they are denied free and open access to the internet.

But it shouldn't come as any surprise that most Capitol Hill Republicans are opposed to net neutrality. They haven't truly favored democracy for some time now. There true political belief is not in democracy, but in corporatocracy. And this corporatocracy is controlled by the same corporate interests that feed millions of dollars into their campaign chests.

These Republicans are just protecting those who feed their campaign coffers. After all, isn't getting re-elected more important than doing what's good for the American people?

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