Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Slashes Weren't Necessary

Did you ever wonder why it was necessary to enter the two slashes (//) in front of an internet url (address)? Well, that was the idea of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who is generally regarded as the creator of the world wide web back in 1989.

Berners-Lee, who started the web so scientists could communicate among themselves, now admits the double slashes were probably a mistake. He has apologized, saying he could have designed urls without the slashes.

Berners-Lee said, "There you go, it seemed like a good idea at the time."

It may have seemed like a good idea in 1989, but it has irritated a lot of people since then. At least he realizes his goof and has apologized. I guess we should just be happy he came up with the url's, slashes and all.

I am a little confused though. I thought Al Gore invented the internet. :-)

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