Monday, October 12, 2009

They Must Have Flunked History

Found at the site of Pundit Kitchen.


  1. "They Must Have Flunked History"

    Or perhaps they paid closer attention than you did.

    The phrase "commie czar" is obviously a play on words: a reference to the far left political leanings ("commie") of President Obama's special advisors ("czars"), as well as an allusion to the title of commissar (Russian: комиссар) that was held by certain communist political operatives in the government and military during the Bolshevik and Soviet eras in Russia.

    Here's the Wikipedia article on the subject. It's a little sketchy, but it gets the point across.

    And here's A Brief History of White House Czars, courtesy of Time Magazine.

  2. Get real, CT. It doesn't take a genius to know the czars were overthrown by the communists. To mix the two is just silly.

  3. I'm sorry if the pun is too subtle for you, Ted.

    If you go over to the original post at and do a search in the comments section for the word "commissar" you'll see that at least three other commenters reached the same conclusion as I did.

    BTW, I posted my comment at jobsanger before having read the other three. I only added my observations at kitchenpundit (two comments after "Basara") because I thought he/she was the only other one who caught the pun.


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