Friday, October 16, 2009

"Tough Guy" Kills Helpless Chihuahua

I really have no patience for this kind of "tough guy" -- someone who thinks he has the right to kill a defenseless animal just because he happens to be drunk and angry.

Zachary Don Phillips of Mansfield (between Dallas and Fort Worth) is the tough guy. The 18 year-old and his wife got drunk early Wednesday and began arguing in the bedroom of their apartment. Eventually police were called for the domestic disturbance.

When the police arrived, they found not only two drunk teenagers, but also a dead chihuahua. The wife said Phillips had ripped her tiny pet from her arms and threw it against the wall -- killing it.

According to police, "He (Phillips) stated to officers he did grab the dog out of her arms and it did hit the wall and die but said he didn't throw it." Does he think this excuses his violent behavior? Or maybe he wants us to believe the chihuahua committed suicide by throwing itself against the wall.

Police have charged Phillips with Cruelty To An Animal, Public Intoxication and Consumption Of Alcohol By A Minor. I imagine he'll probably get off with a fine, but personally I'd like to see him do enough jail time to convince him he doesn't ever want to do that kind of thing again.

How can a person do such a cruel and senseless thing?

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