Thursday, November 19, 2009

GWB Library Plans Revealed

The picture above is an artist's rendition of the George W. Bush Presidential Center (Library) on the campus of Southern Methodist University. This is where Bush's coloring books and other presidential papers will be stored. Personally, I think The Pet Goat should have an honored place in that library. It's as indicative as any book of the caliber of Bush's presidency.

Laura Bush presided over the planning of the library's design, and tried to maintain a Texas flavor to the concept "from the Texas limestone and pecan wood paneling inside the complex to the wildflowers, bluebonnets and prairie land outside." Mrs. Bush said, "I know we can't please everyone, but I think this almost does."

I'm sure Mrs. Bush probably believes that, but there are millions of us Texans that would be just as happy to see the library not built at all (or perhaps moved to his birth state -- Connecticut).

I still find it hard to believe that SMU wanted this dreadful monument to an epic failure on it's campus. After a long and hard fight to become recognized as an institution of academic excellence, this beacon of a failed presidency will set them back many years.

1 comment:

  1. I shall visit it as soon as it opens because I like to visit the gift shops in these places.


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