Thursday, November 26, 2009

Teabaggers To Hold National Convention

Well, those loony teabaggers are at it again. Now they have decided to hold a national convention for themselves. It will be held in Nashville, Tennessee on February 4th through 6th. They say this has nothing to do with the Republican Party, and after seeing the two main speakers scheduled, I believe that.

The two featured speakers for the convention are both definitely in the ultra-right-wing fringe of the Republican Party (and have shown their willingness to go against the party to support a right-winger). They are Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, and aides for both have confirmed they will be speaking at the teabagger convention.

I think we'd see some more mainstream Republicans if they were financing this misadventure. Some are saying this shows Palin is definitely going to run for president in 2012. I don't know about that, but I hope it's true. That would truly be a gift for Democrats (wouldn't a Palin-Bachmann ticket be wonderful).

Actually, I think it may look more like the first step toward a third party composed of teabaggers and their ilk. They have been trying to purge the Republican Party of all its moderates with only middling success. Maybe they are ready to try the third party route (after all, these are not the brightest bulbs on the Republican tree).

Either way, I think it's good news for Democrats. If they are able to purge their party of moderates, it will mean even less Republicans will be elected (especially in the Northeast, Midwest and Pacific Coast areas). If they go for a third party, it will have the same result (and may even be more widespread).

I hope the teabaggers have a wild and wacky convention -- one that convinces them to do even further damage to the Republican Party.


  1. Hello dear Ted, greetings from Prasad.
    My belief and experience and learning is this: It is Christ who has taught the world to LOVE. Before His advent, the world was without LOVE, and HE showed what it means to LOVE. The Bible is a book of LOVE, LOVE OF GOD for HIS PEOPLE, it's a beautiful love story. And that Love is perfected to greatest heights in the death and resurrection of CHRIST.

    And that is the reason, Christianity without LOVE is dead, they are moved to CHARITY from deep FAITH in HIM. In its 2000 years history, the Church has never stopped doing Charity, though people despised it, killed its members and continue to do so with deep hatred for the Church, which is like soul in the world just like a soul within a human body. IF the soul is dead, the world is dead.

    The Church or the Bible never hates anyone, but only... it hates the sin, but always loves the sinner.

    Morality is in its highest peak in Christ and His teachings, read the entire Gospels especially the Beatitudes which have raised the moral standard of the world. Christianity has taught the world what it means to be human, the purpose of human life, who we are, what is our goal, what is awaiting for us... Human person is fundamentally a transcendental being.

    All the best, my prayer and wish that you and I truly know who we are and what is our relationship to the CREATOR GOD of us all revealed Himself in flesh and blood in JESUS CHRIST.

    Have a nice day dear Ted, and pray for me too.


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