Thursday, December 10, 2009

Glenn Beck Is An Unethical Crook

It will surprise none of my readers to learn that I have absolutely no respect for Glenn Beck. In fact, I have always thought he was flirting with, if not completely insane. That's because the filth that pours from his mouth make no sense to anyone capable of rational thought.

He spends all his time on both his radio show and his TV show trying to convince his listeners that their world is falling apart. He would have them believe a socialist Islamist is in the White House, public education is unworkable, public insurance is a government plot to kill them, their religion is under a brutal attack from unbelievers, their guns will soon be registered and then confiscated, immigrants are taking their jobs and their country, they are being taxed into poverty and the Constitution cannot protect them because of "activist" judges.

In other words, he spends all his time trying to scare the hell out of his viewers and listeners. He is trying to convince them the world as they know it is coming to an end. It's easy to see why most rational people think he is either stupid or insane. But it now turns out there may be some method to his madness.

If you thought the country, and the world, was going downhill fast and our monetary system was going to fall apart, what would it make sense to do? Invest in gold? And that is exactly what Beck has been telling his listeners to do -- buy gold. He hasn't just said it once, but it is a continuing theme of his show. The world is falling apart and only those who have bought gold will be able to survive.

Well, guess who works for a company that sells gold -- Goldline? That's right, Glenn Beck does. He even has a major presence on the company's website. Obviously, the more gold he can convince people to buy, the more money the company will pay him to keep pushing their product. And this is not a recent thing. He has been pushing the company and their gold since before he was on television.

One would think that a news organization would not put up with a commentator trying to scare people into buying a product he is paid to sell, but we've known for quite a while that Fox News is not really a news organization. It is a propaganda machine for the Republican Party, and for Republicans, greed is good.

The Republican Party and Fox News see nothing wrong with a person violating the ethics of his profession and betraying the trust of his viewers just to line his pockets. Fox News knew about this when they hired him, but were too blind or uncaring to see the ethical implications.

I suspect Beck is still insane, but I now know he is also a greedy crook.


  1. Hmmm, scaring people and reaping huge profits from it...

    Where have I heard that before?

  2. Kinda sounds like what Al Gore is doing, too. With his talk of 'climate change' and his various companies positioned to reap the benefits of 'green investments'. Damn them both...

  3. Why do you think that Glenn Beck can continue to level charges about Obama appointees with no response from the White House. Look at the profiles of Cass Sunstein and Andy Stern and then try to square these with the truth. But I guess you are not in seach of truth, you voted for hope and change. Do you miss George Bush yet?

  4. Why would I miss the worst president ever?

  5. Robert:

    To understand where Ted is coming from, you have to know whom he has cited in the past as his authority regarding the Bush presidency.

    Check out this post from 2007. It speaks volumes.


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