Friday, December 11, 2009

No Free Samples

Political Cartoon is by Pat Bagley in the Salt Lake Tribune.


  1. Palin Divorce Watch: Day 132

  2. Keith Olbermann ends each broadcast with the number of days since Bush declared 'Mission Accomplished' in Iraq. This is infinitely more relevant and effective than this lame divorce watch.

  3. Andrea:

    I'm glad you find my Palin Divorce Watch lame. What I find lame is assurances by bloggers like Dennis Zaki that "[w]e stand by the story all the way. Rock solid sources."

    Lest you've forgotten, here's a link to Zaki's claim.

    If you have doubts about Sarah Palin's qualifications for the presidency, have at it. The truth be known, I have a more than a few doubts myself. But the purpose of my Palin Divorce Watch is a gentle four-fold reminder:

    1) Keep it honest;
    2) Keep it relevant;
    3) Don't be gullible; and
    4) Don't obsess.

  4. Regarding Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq. Here's a link to the full text of the speech that President Bush gave aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003.

    What he declared is the following:

    "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." [Paragraph 1 (emphasis added)]

    "We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We are bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous." [Paragraph 8]

    "Our mission continues. Al-Qaida is wounded, not destroyed." [Paragraph 21]

    "The war on terror is not over, yet it is not endless." [Paragraph 22 (emphasis added)]

    Please cite the paragraph in which he declared, "Mission accomplished."

    It's amazing how the visual of a banner, hung behind the President before he even landed on the aircraft carrier, has miraculously become words that he "declared."


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