Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Shami Names New Campaign Director

Farouk Shami is the Houston businessman who is running for governor. He is opposing Houston Mayor Bill White in the Democratic primary. He has already registered for a place on the Democratic Party ballot, and now it looks like he's getting serious about his campaign.

On Monday, Shami announced that he has put his campaign staff in place. Leading the campaign will be his new campaign director -- Vince Liebowitz (pictured above). Although this is Vince's first time as campaign director for a gubernatorial candidate, he does have experience in state-wide races.

Vince had served as the communications and policy director for Hank Gilbert, while Mr. Gilbert was in the governor's race earlier this year. He has also served as campaign director for Dale Henry, when Mr. Henry ran for Railroad Commissioner in 2008. In addition, he has served on the staff of several other candidates.

I think Vince Liebowitz will make an excellent campaign director for Mr. Shami, and if Shami is really willing to spend the millions he says he will spend, this could make him a very formidable candidate.

(In the interest of full disclosure, I must say that I know Vince. I like and respect him very much and consider him to be a friend. His blog, Capitol Annex, is listed in my blogroll.)


  1. I think I discovered the first campaign poster.

    I'm sure Mr. Shami is eminently qualified to be governor of Texas, but the only last name I can think of that might be more unfortunate for a politician is Swindell.

  2. I'm sorry..we had a governor that couldn't speak straight, one that paid more attention to his hair then our needs..i want a govenor that i can understand when he speaks..not pc i know..but thats me.


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