Friday, January 08, 2010

Beck Speaks - Proves His Stupidity

Glenn Beck is once again proving that he is not only a racist, but a stupid one at that. He has said in the past that he doesn't have African-American friends because "I'm afraid that I would be in an open conversation, and I would say something that somebody would take wrong, and then it would be a nightmare." In other words, he's afraid to be around African-Americans because he's not sure he can hide his racism.

But when he gets on the American airwaves, it seems he doesn't mind showing his racist stupidity. His latest rant is over the term African-American. It seems he's upset that census forms attempt to divide Americans into various races, and one of those divisions is labeled Black, African-American or Negro. This was enough to launch Beck into one of his infamous tirades.

It seems he doesn't like the term African-American. He asks, "Why not identify yourselves as American? I don't identify myself as white, or a white American." Well, he's wrong for a couple of reasons. First, the term white doesn't refer to a place while African does. Second, a lot of whites do refer to the place of their ancestry. Just the other day, I referred to myself as Irish-American in one of my posts (even though my family has been in this country for generations).

It is not at all unusual for Americans to refer to themselves by their ancestry (Italian, Irish, German, etc.). This is especially true of those new to this country. After a couple of generations and the complete assimilation of the family, many drop the term of ancestry and just use American -- but it does not mean they forget it or never use it.

While it may upset Beck and his racist friends to admit it, African-Americans have still not been fully assimilated into the United States. This is not their fault, because they have tried. They have fought for this country in every one of its wars (including the Revolutionary War), and have demonstrated their love for America in many ways. It's racist whites who have denied them complete assimilation.

While Beck says he doesn't refer to himself as white, I'll bet he checks the box that says white on the census form. Why then does he get so upset that someone else would check a box that says African-American? What is the difference? As long as the federal government feels it must divide us into "races", why not let the people in those divisions use any term they feel grants them some dignity?

Beck rants, "African-American is a bogus, PC, made-up term. I mean, that's not a race. Your ancestry is from Africa and now you live in America. OK so you were brought over -- either your family was brought over through the slave trade or you were born here and your family emigrated here or whatever but that is not a race."

Well, if you want to get technical about it Beck, the very term "race" is a bogus, made-up term. It was invented by whites to justify colonialism -- the stealing of the land and resources of other people. It's a lot easier to steal from others if you consider them to be different and inferior. The invented concept of race allowed whites to fulfill their greedy ambitions with no conscience pangs.

It also allowed them to continue the lucrative business of slavery. There was slavery before the concept of race was invented, but it was simpler. If you lost a war, you were probably enslaved. But by the Age of Discovery, that was no longer an accepted justification for slavery (after all, the whites fought among each other all the time). Once the concept of race was invented, it allowed whites to continue slavery -- once again without the pangs of conscience.

The truth is that there is only once race and we are all a part of it -- the human race. Every single human came from the same place originally -- Africa. Living in different climates and places caused us to develop some minor differences over many centuries such as skin color, but we are really all the same.

Personally, I wish we would just do away with this silly and useless concept of race. But there are still a lot of not-to-bright people who believe in it, and as long as they exist we'll have to deal with the concept -- like designating this falsehood on our census forms.

And as long as we must do this, it doesn't hurt Glenn Beck or anyone else to let people use a term that infers some dignity -- whatever that term may be. To rant that the term is not a race when the very concept of race is a falsehood, just shows the stupidity of the ranter and nothing else.

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