Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fundie Says Prayer Will Cure Down's Syndrome

Just when I start thinking fundamentalist christians can't surprise me anymore with their silly beliefs, they come up with something new and even more ridiculous than before. I wouldn't have believed this if I hadn't seen the web site myself, so I have broken one of my rules and I'm linking to a fundamentalist site -- I figure my readers will also want to see this for themselves.

This site is a Wordpress blog, but after scanning it I can't find the name (or even a pseudonym) of the person who wrote it. I guess whoever it is would be too embarrassed to actually claim responsibility for the blog. The name of the blog is Pray4Trig, and the anonymous author of it believes prayer can cure Down's Syndrome.

To prove this extraordinary power ascribed to prayer, the blog is asking christians and churches to get together in prayer on April 18, 2010 and pray that Sarah Palin's son, Trig Palin (pictured with Sarah Palin), will be miraculously cured of Down's Syndrome. That date is Trig's birthday, and the anonymous blogger thinks the prayer cure would be a good birthday present for him.

The fundie blogger also said this would give enough time to register enough churches and christians to make the prayer successful, although he/she didn't say just how many people it would take to make this miracle occur. There was also no mention on the blog about whether Sarah Palin had been informed of the impending miracle or given her consent.

According to the author, the only reason prayer has never done things like regrow an amputated arm or cure Down's Syndrome is because, "Too many people lack faith." The author seems to believe that god will grant the miracle only if a lot of people with "genuine faith" pray for it. This infers that it would be useless for ordinary christians, who may have doubts, to pray.

I guess on April 19, after it is known there was no miraculous cure, this blogger will simply say that not enough people of "genuine faith" prayed to cure young Trig. Pathetic!


  1. I would just like to go on record saying that, as a Christian AND the mother of a perfect baby boy who has Down syndrome, pray4trig both sickens and appalls me. Please, don't lump us all in with this fruitcake! If you spend some time reading the countless comments of others like me, you will see that the author of the site is just a solitary mindless moron.

  2. Tara-
    Thanks for dropping by this blog. I hope I didn't give the impression that I believe all christians are like this person, because I don't believe that. I have many christian friends who are wonderful and decent people. I am an atheist, but we can disagree and remain respectful of each other.

    I do believe the person who wrote this horrible web site is not respectful of anyone who disagrees with his/her brand of religion - even other christians.


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