Friday, January 15, 2010


Found at the site of Atheist Comics.


  1. The creator of the poster simplistically imposes a modern-day form of slavery onto an entirely different practice. I wonder if he or she knows that in the ancient world people often sold themselves into "slavery", and that "slaves" often held important positions in society. It was much different than the chattel slavery of America's past. But who needs to do a little research and become educated about such things? All one needs to do to discredit someone or something else is to engage in name-calling and smear tactics. And that supposedly elevates atheists above Christians?

  2. Are you seriously trying to defend the practice of slavery? Are you insane?

  3. I was doing an image search and found this post in the process and although I am chiming in pretty late here, this poster is unbelievably sad. Sad because it's true and sad because many people would defend this horrific truth until they were blue in the face.


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