Thursday, February 04, 2010

I Think I've Seen It All Now

The somewhat female-looking thing above is a sex robot named Roxxxy (not very creative). The nerdy-looking guy behind it is it's inventor Douglas Hines, a computer scientist who formerly worked for Bell Labs. Hines says in a few months you can have a Roxxxy of your very own for just $7000 (if you're really that pathetic).

Roxxxy has a computer under its silicone skin and has "voice recognition and speech synthesis software", which means it can carry on a conversation with its owner -- at least until its battery runs down (which lasts about 3 hours). The battery can be recharged from a wall outlet with an electric cord that plugs into its back.

It cannot move, but the body can be "contorted into almost any natural position." The skin is heated by hot air tubes and there are sensors in the hands and genital areas -- the thing even shudders to simulate an organism. The robot even has five separate personalities, ranging from "Frigid Farrah to Wild Wendy".

According to Hines, "She doesn't vacuum or cook, but she does almost everything else." He went on to say, "There's a tremendous need for this kind of product." (Personally, I think he needs to wipe the Cheeto dust off his fingers, get out of his basement and meet some real women!)

It's stuff like this that makes me think there may be no hope for the human race.

(You may have noticed that I refused to refer to this machine as "her" or "she". I have too much respect for women to do that.)

1 comment:

  1. you know they never made phony baloney or robotic men? women are much smarter and know that all they really need is a vibrator..


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