Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Letter From A Medical Marijuana User

It has never made sense to me why marijuana is illegal in the United States. It has no toxic effect (it cannot cause a death, even with excessive usage), and is much less dangerous than legal drugs or prescription drugs. But I think it's downright criminal to deny this gentle herb to those who are seriously ill.

The law that allows many heavy drugs (with many side effects) to be prescribed for the sick, and yet will not allow them to smoke a joint that instantly relieves their pain and suffering (without side effects) has got to be one of the stupidest laws on the books. The law is not based on the dangers posed by marijuana (for it poses none), but on the many years of propaganda by the government.

It is high time (pun intended) that we show a little compassion for the sick and change that law. Toward that end, I present this letter from a user of medical marijuana (pictured):

Hi there. My name is Teresa Skipper, and I use marijuana to stay alive.

When I found out in 1995 that I had HIV, my doctors gave me many different medications, and I'm grateful for them because they have kept me alive!

But the side effects are awful. One of my meds comes with a warning that it's sometimes fatal. My stomach feels like a raw egg most days, which is strange, because I can't eat most foods. I have no appetite and it's hard to keep my weight up.

But I've been lucky enough to find something that makes me feel better, restores my appetite, and is the reason I still have good days. That something is marijuana.

Unfortunately, my marijuana also makes me a criminal. That's why Im telling you my story and asking you, from the bottom of my heart, to help MPP fight marijuana prohibition, because marijuana use should not make criminals of sick people.

Just like many other marijuana users, I have a husband, two children, and one beautiful grandson. I have a bachelor's degree in financial management. I just want to go to work and have a normal life.

But my marijuana use makes me a criminal, and who wants to hire a criminal? If I give up using marijuana, my health deteriorates to the point that I can't work anyway.

MPP is fighting to change marijuana laws so that sick people wont become criminals when they use marijuana to get relief from pain and suffering.

Thank you for letting me tell you my story.

Best wishes,

Teresa Skipper

P.S. $7.7 billion — that's how much the U.S. government spends on marijuana prohibition every year. If you'd rather have your tax money spent on something useful, like stopping violent crimes, please donate now to help MPP change marijuana laws.

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