Friday, February 12, 2010

Pot Found In Pictures Of Jesus

The United States, while having a secular government (at least for the time being), is dominated by followers of the christian religion. Because of this domination, many christians use their religion to appeal to their fellow citizens when they get in trouble, and sadly this works in far too many cases.

I'm sure that was the sort of thinking a woman had when arrested at an El Paso border crossing last Tuesday. When the 22 year-old woman pulled up to the Border Patrol checkpoint, she told the agents she had nothing to declare but three pieces of art -- all framed portraits of Jesus. I'm sure she thought no one would dare deface a portrait of the christian messiah.

But she encountered one thing she didn't count on -- Border Patrol Agent Cesar. Cesar is not a christian -- he's a drug-sniffing dog, and he couldn't tell a portrait of Jesus from a 3-D velvet painting of dogs playing poker. Cesar immediately hit on the three portraits of Jesus.

When Border Patrol (human) agents took the three pieces of art apart, they found 30 bundles of marijuana, weighing out to about 31 pounds. The woman was arrested and turned over to El Paso police for prosecution.

Fortunately, using religion for nefarious purposes doesn't always work.


  1. I'm sure that Jesus wouldnt approve of her using his pictures to smuggle dope..jeez .some people

  2. Jesus himself provides a little guidance on this issue at,


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