Friday, February 05, 2010

Teabagger Ted Nugent

This is just sad. There was a time when I respected Ted Nugent (seen above in his finest racist attire) as a musician and guitarist. Now I can't listen to even one cut off any of his albums without thinking of the ridiculous right-wing racist teabagging things that he says. And he seems to get worse with each day.

Here is his latest way-over-the-line pronouncement. His Nuttiness actually said, "I think that Barack Hussein Obama should be put in jail. It is clear that Barack Hussein Obama is a communist. Mao Tse Tung lives and his name is Barack Hussein Obama. This country should be ashamed. I wanna throw up."

That statement is so far from any semblance of truth or reality, that it really makes me question his sanity. But it makes him very popular with the teabagging crowd, whose grasp on reality is just as tenuous as Nugent's own (and that is a majority of Texas Republicans). In fact, Rick Perry has asked Nugent (along with Sarah Palin) to help him appeal to the teabagging base of the Texas Republican Party in his effort to be re-elected.

Frankly, I'm embarrassed that the "Motor City Madman" now calls himself a Texan. This is one madman that I wish had just stayed in Detroit.

UPDATE -- The great Jolly Roger over at Reconstitution 2.0 reminds us that Nugent is a self-confessed serial pedophile. He also avoided service in Vietnam by defecating and urinating in his clothing for several days before showing up for his draft physical in a state of utter filth (although he certainly doesn't mind sending other young men and women off to die in a foreign war). Can this teabagging pedophile chickenhawk get any lower?


  1. he actually writes a column for the waco of the reasons why i dont read the trib.

  2. The Motor City Meekman seems to tirelessly search for new gutters to go to. That kinda seems to be the story of his life though, doesn't it?

    I didn't have a whole lot of use for the guy back when everybody thought he was the sh*t. Now I flip the channel on my Sirius if he comes on.

  3. One of the many differences between myself and Sarah Palin is that I was genuinely offended when Rahm Emmanuel used the word "retarded". That word, much like the n-word, just makes my skin crawl, and not in a manufactured self-serving way.

    Now, in the Royal Flush Q&A, a few questions down from "What do you think of Obama," Mr. Nugent uses that word to describe people who don't agree that killing and eating deer is the "last pure perfect function of mankind."

    Will Sarah call him out while they're stumping together for Rick Perry?


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