Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Very Expensive Teddy Bear

How much would you pay for the Teddy Bear pictured above? If your finances are like mine, then you probably couldn't even afford to touch it (in case you got it dirty and had to spend nearly a year's salary trying to pay for it).

This bear, called Snuffles, is made of white alpaca fur. It's eyes are black Tahitian pearls, and the 10-carat diamond pendant is on a white gold chain. It was made by the Gund Company and they estimate its value at $10,000. But it could fetch even more, because it will soon be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

It will be auctioned off later this year, after it completes its travels. It is currently touring the country (with its own security guard). It's obviously a toy for a very rich person (someone who has more money than they know what to do with).

All I know is if you can afford to buy this bear in the middle of this recession, then I certainly don't want to hear you complaining about paying your taxes.

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