Friday, March 19, 2010

Chet Edwards Doesn't Deserve Re-Election

Chet Edwards is the representative from the 17th Congressional District in Texas to the United States House of Representatives. He claims to be a Democrat, but almost never votes with the Democratic Party on important legislation. He's one of those conservative "blue dogs" that wants to use the party to fulfill his own political ambitions, but is not willing to support the ideals and goals of the Democratic Party.

He might as well switch parties, because he votes with the Republicans more than he does with the Democrats. Just take a look at his votes on health care reform. He voted against the health care reform bill passed by the House of Representatives, and has already announced that he will again vote against health care reform when it is voted on in a few days. It seems to be fine with Edwards that 40-50 million people are without any form of health insurance, including 1 out of 4 of his fellow Texans.

He also voted for the unnecessary war in Iraq, and was one of those who voted to keep funding that war without any kind of timetables or benchmarks for success. He evidently bought into all the old Bush/Cheney ideas about Iraq, and obviously doesn't mind a war without end.

Edwards also supports the Republican idea of eliminating the estate tax. He makes it sound like he is doing it to help farmers and small business owners. That's just not true. Little guys are already exempted from the tax. The people he is trying to help are the rich. The rich already don't pay their fair share of taxes, and Edwards would like for them to pay even less.

Then Edwards voted with Republicans in an effort to reduce Medicare payments to doctors. If he and his Republican friends had been successful (they were not), then many doctors would have had to drop their Medicare patients, leaving many elderly people unable to go to the doctor of their choice (and in some rural areas they would have had no doctor at all).

Edwards also voted against the president and other Democrats on the "cap and trade" environmental and energy legislation. Evidently pollution, global climate change and record windfall profits for the oil, gas and energy companies at the expense of the American people are also things that Edwards approves of.

And the list goes on. I plead with the people of District 17, stop supporting this DINO. Don't give him any money. Don't campaign for him. And don't give him your vote. Vote third-party or just leave that race blank on your ballot.

I know some of you are saying, if we do then the Republican will win. I ask you -- what difference would that make? Just what is the difference between a Republican and a Democrat (?) who votes Republican? The answer is none. Face it folks, you are already being represented by a Republican (regardless of his party label).

If you get rid of Chet Edwards, maybe you can replace him soon with a real Democrat. And if not, you are no worse off than you are right now. The fact is that Chet Edwards is not worthy of Democratic votes.


  1. Based on ten very important pieces of legislation that came before the House of Representatives last year: the stimulus package, the FY 2010 budget, the health care bill, the Stupak Amendment to the health care bill, the jobs bill, the financial regulation package, the cap-and-trade bill, the Fair Pay Act, the Guantanamo detainee transfer vote, and the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which was attached to a defense appropriations bill, Chet ranked as the fifth most valuable Democratic member in the entire Democratic caucus. This was derived by Nate Silver at

    This reflects Chet's votes on these issues, given the "Republican-ness of TX 17. If he were not in office this would have been 10 out of 10 no votes, rather than 6 out of 10 yes votes.

    I am disappointed in Chet's Health Care vote. But I am not ready to give up our seat to Curnock or Flores.

    Vickie Buenger

  2. Vickie-
    I can't agree with you. We'll never get anything accomplished with "part-time" Democrats who only vote with the party when no political courage is required and it won't hurt their professional political career.
    Big changes are needed in this country, and blue dogs like Edwards are just an impediment. He'll never have the courage to vote for real change.

  3. blue dogs suck! he lost my vote.

  4. At least with "Republicans" in office, I won't feel betrayed.

  5. Chet voted no on the initial reading of the Health Care bill... wait for it... then voted yes on all 27 sections in said bill. Look at his voting record the day the bill passed. This thieving scumbag must go.


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